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Module: National and international legal order - Constitutional justice in relation to judicial and prosecutorial system in Kosovo, topic: Organization of the Judiciary in the Republic of Kosovo

On July 19, 2022, the Academy of Justice, as part of the Initial Training for the newly appointed prosecutors of the ninth generation, is conducting the second training session under the module "Constitutional justice in relation to the judicial and prosecutorial system in Kosovo".

Within the framework of the second session, the following topics are being addressed: the organization of the judicial system according to the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and according to the Law on Courts, the Judicial Council of Kosovo,  mandate and composition of the Judicial Council, the election of the members of the Council, disciplinary procedures for the members of the Council, its commissions and the work manner, the Secretariat of the Judicial Council of Kosovo, the Assembly of Court Presidents and Supervisory Judges, for the functioning of courts of all levels and qualifications, rights and obligations of judges and performance appraisal of judges.

The training methodology is being developed through the interactive discussion and practical cases.

Beneficiaries of the training are the 6 newly appointed prosecutors.

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