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Module - National and International Legal Order - Constitutional Justice in relation to the judicial and prosecutorial system, topic: Structure and organization of the prosecutorial system in the Republic of Kosovo

On July 27, 2022, the Academy, as part of the Initial Training Program, for newly appointed judges, generation (9), group I, is conducting theoretical training under the module "Constitutional justice in relation to the judicial system", with the trainer engaged Mr. Islam Sllamnik, permanent trainer at the Academy of Justice.

The topics being addressed in this fourth session are: The organization of the prosecutorial system, the prosecutorial council of Kosovo, the mandate of the prosecutorial council of Kosovo, the composition of the council, the mandate of the members of the council and the end of the mandate.

The training methodology is being developed through an interactive and case-based method.

Beneficiaries of the training are 30 newly appointed judges of the 9th generation, three of them are from the Serbian community.

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