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Module - Personal and interdisciplinary skills - Ethics and disciplinary liability, topic: Disciplinary procedure for judges

On July 29, 2022, the Academy of Justice, within the Initial Program, for the newly appointed judges of the ninth generation for the second group, is conducting theoretical training, under the module "Ethics and disciplinary liability", with trainer engaged Mr. Enver Peci, President of the Supreme Court.

In the framework of this session, the following are being addressed: Who can file a disciplinary complaint against a judge, what are the actions that the competent authority must take, the actions of the president after the initial trial, The review of the request for the initiation of the investigation and the establishment of the panel investigation, as well as receiving and registration of the request for the initiation of investigations in the Council.

The training methodology is being developed through an interactive and case-based method.

Beneficiaries of the training are 18 newly appointed judges.

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