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Promoting campaign on electronic evidences provided by KJI for judges, prosecutors and administrative staff of courts and prosecution offices – Prishina region – Supreme Court, State Prosecutor Office and Special Prosecutor Office

On 30 October 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute with the support of the EU founded Project “Further Support to Legal Education in Kosovo” conducted a final promoting campaign on electronic recourses provided by KJI for judges, prosecutors and administrative staff of courts and prosecution offices.

This campaign aimed to inform participants about the electronic recourses provided by KJI and developed with the support of EU. 

During the promoting campaign participants were also informed about the e-learning platform its advantages and how the platform functions, legal library and its operating platforms , as well as international legal databases accessible for the beneficiaries  

On this occasion partisans had the opportunity to practice how they can access to these recourses, how to register in the e-leaning platform and how to search for legal materials on two platforms provided by library and how to access on international databases. 

Participants to this promoting campaign were judges, prosecutors and administrative staff of courts and prosecutor office.

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