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Press Release - Promotion Ceremony of the Oninio Juris Legal Scientific Magazine

On 02 December 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute organized a promotion of the Magazine “Opinio Juris”.

This Magazine is being published for the first time this year with the purpose of giving the opportunity for publication to all jurists, including judges, prosecutors, University Professors and legal community of Kosovo.

During the ceremony a speech held by; Acting Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute, Mr. Besim Morina, Mr. Fejzullah Hasani, President of Supreme Court and a member of the KJI Editorial Board, Mrs. Virgjina Dumnica, UND Representative and Mr. Agim Maliqi, judge in the Basic Court in Ferizaj, also one of the authors of the journal Opinio Juris.

In this occasion, KJI Act. Director Mr. Morina emphasized that "this Magazine will supplement the legal literature and will support the professional work of the judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals."

Mrs. Virgjina Dumnica, during her speech stated that "cooperation between the UNDP and Kosovo Judicial Institute has consistently brought results and publication of this Magazine is one of the successes achieved by Kosovo Judicial Institute.

In his speech, Mr. Fejzullah Hasani, stated that "the importance of this magazine does not consist only in providing professional support to judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals in Kosovo, but will also promote and support critical and legal thinking in various fields of justice. Its will try to stimulate a critical, independent and interdisciplinary study in the area of justice. Therefore, the Magazine Editorial Board encourages the submission of papers in the field of justice by scholars and law practitioners, as well as individuals from other disciplines.

On behalf of the authors of the "Opinion Juris" Magazine, Mr. Agim Maliqi thanked the Kosovo Judicial Institute for giving the opportunity to present the research results during the practical work on this Magazine.

Opinion Juris magazine will also be an additional resource in the legal library provided to judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals.

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