News and Activities - Archive


War crimes

On 11 November 2015, within CTP, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted training on: "war crimes".

The training was organized in order to expand the knowledge of judges and prosecutors on matters relating to the investigation, prosecution and adjudication of war crimes cases, on this occasion judges and prosecutors were professionally prepared in taking competences from international judges and prosecutors in addressing these issues.

During this training, in the capacity of panelists, where judges and prosecutors of EULEX, who discussed legal framework of local and international war crimes tribunal, the testimony and types of war crime evidence, safety and the importance of establishing an efficient scheme for protection of witnesses and effective investigation of war crimes. During the training were also elaborated also different forms of individual criminal liability, including commanding liability.

During the training interactively were discussed issues relating to the topics.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic and appeal instance and Special Prosecutors.

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