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Criminal offences committed in collaboration of juvenile and adult

On 16 November 2015, KJI within the Continuous Training Program (CTP) conducted training on: “Criminal offences committed in collaboration of juvenile and adult

The purpose of this training was to implement legal provisions and treat dilemmas encountered in practice on evaluation of the needs and conditions for joining and division of the proceedings against a juvenile and development of the procedure for adult for committing a criminal offence in collaboration.

Topics treated during the training were: proposal for joint procedure, division of the procedure when a juvenile committed a criminal offense in collaboration with the adult, as well as stages of the procedure. Participants during the training also elaborated characteristics of judgment rendered in joint proceeding and composition of the deciding panel.

The training was conducted in an interactive manner, in which case judges and prosecutors had the opportunity to present their problems and uncertainties encountered in practice, as well as exchange their ideas in unifying judicial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance (juvenile and general department).

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