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Specialized program on public procurement – Session II

On 20-21 November, the Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted session II of the "Specialized Training Program on Public Procurement in Kosovo".

The purpose of this training was the use of available legislation in this area, analysis of practices on the implementation phase of the contract and challenges in the investigation and prosecution of criminal offenses, as well as inter-institutional coordination in combating offenses of this nature.

This training focused mainly on the implementation phase of the contract and risks of corruption at this stage, factors affecting the appearance of these offences, the bid-fixing schemes and corruption in public procurement.

Also during the training were elaborated; investigation plan, prosecution, and the importance of establishing a structure of investigation. In this context, were also discussed the content of investigation plan, identification of investigation source and preparation of investigation files. Among other issued were discussed contract management, content of the tender dossier, termination of the contract by controlling authority and closure or completion of the contract.

The training was interactive, where participants raised and discussed challenges faced in this area.

Beneficiaries of this training program were judges, prosecutors, officials from TAK, FIU, Customs, KCA.

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