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Protection and promotion of diversity, tolerance and equality in the context of legislation on non-discrimination

On 7 December 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute, in cooperation with the project Normally Different, has conducted training for prosecutors on the topic "Protection and promotion of diversity, tolerance and equality in the context of legislation on non-discrimination".

The training was conducted in order to contribute in expanding of the knowledge of participating prosecutors on diversity, tolerance and equality as well as the advancement of practical skills related to proper elaboration and implementation of legislation on equal treatment of the LGBT community.

Within this training there were elaborated local and international legal framework, the principle of equal treatment, the key concepts of discrimination, categories of discrimination and areas affected by this occurrence. There were also conducted awareness activities relating to diversity, prejudices, non-discrimination and equality. Within the training various exercises were developed as the game of the name, visual biography etc..

Additionally, the participants were acquainted with cases from the practice of the European Court of Human Rights, that were elaborated from an international experts engaged in this training.

 The beneficiaries of this training were prosecutors from the basic level.

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