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Business, loans and financial institutions

On 18 December 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with CLE-USAID conducted training on: “Business, loans and financial institutions” this training falls within the Specialized Training Program on Commercial Law”.

This training aimed at expanding the knowledge of judges on the system and activities of financial institutions in Kosovo, in terms of successfully handling affairs related to credit and banking services in Kosovo.

Initially during the training were elaborated banking system and legal framework on banking services for loans, overall structure of banking system, regulation of banks and other credit institutions by the Central Bank, as well as the main subjects in the banking system, businesses and characteristics of the recipient credit business loans, types of loans, the structure of the loan agreement and liquidation of inability to pay. Also briefly were discussed the Law on Mortgages and the Law on Money Laundering.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of Supreme Court, Appeal Court – Department for Commercial Affairs and judges of Basic Court – Administrative Department.

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