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Continuation of Training on Commercial field

From September 21, 2022, the Academy of Justice, in cooperation with its partner USAID, the Commercial Justice project, has continued with the II session of training on the Commercial field, for Commercial Court Judges. The purpose of these trainings was to strengthen and increase professional capacities of the judges of this Court.

Since Session II was four (4) days, the sessions were divided into 4 training modules that included topics such as:

  • Specifics of fiscal, tax and customs law;
  • Enforcement Procedure;
  • Understanding the banking industry, insurance and financial institutions;
  • Practical implications of the law for Commercial Companies.

Judges had the opportunity to learn more about customs specifics, customs declarations, the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court in dealing with fiscal issues, etc. Also, many topics from the banking industry field, types of financial institutions, insurance companies were addressed.

On the 3rd and 4th day, enforcement procedures, enforcement titles, bankruptcy, types of commercial companies, their organization, etc. were dealt with more.

The Academy of Justice intends to continue with other trainings from the commercial field within this year, with the aim of preparing judges in the most professional way, always based on its training curriculum.

The beneficiaries of the training were the Judges of the Commercial Court.

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