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Financial investigation

26-27 september 2022, Academy of Justice, in cooperation with the US Embassy in Prishtina, within its Continuous Training Program is conducting a training on financial investigation.

Trainers engaged in this activity are Mr. Brian McDonough Federal Attorney in Northern District of Ohio, Mr. Duncan Brown, Federal attorney in Northern District of Ohio.

Purpose of this training is to extend the participants' knowledge about international cooperation in the most successful investigation, collection of evidence and issues that appear in practice in investigation cases and adjudication of money laundering and related criminal offenses.

These two days it will be discussed about the following: the overview of the financial investigation, investigation/interviewing techniques, cooperation between the police and the prosecution/ investigators as witnesses, financial investigation in cases of procurement fraud, plea agreements/ cooperative witnesses.  Investigating International Transactions/ Phantom Companies, Money Laundering - Tracking Money, Elaboration of Financial Evidence in Indictment, Use of Financial Evidence in Court, Asset Confiscation and Restitution.

Training methodology is combination of theoretical explanations with interactive discussion and practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are prosecutors of the Basic Prosecution in Prishtina.

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