News and Activities - Archive


Law on Bankruptcy

On 25-26 March 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with USAID-CLE, organized training on: “Law on Bankruptcy”.

The purpose of this training was the elaboration of the structure of draft law on bankruptcy, in particular new concepts set forth therein.

The focus of this training were bankruptcy proceedings that differ from the applicable law, such as: the scope of the law, principles, the bankruptcy application process, bankruptcy of small and medium enterprises, bankruptcy assets and the creditor claims. Particularly during this training was elaborated the reorganization process, liquidation process and international bankruptcy.

Training on bankruptcy law concluded a series of 18 training within specialized program on commercial law.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of commercial department from basic and appellate instance and judges of the administrative department from two instances, as well as and judges of Special Chamber.

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