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Roundtable discussion: witness protection – challenges in practical implementation of the legislation

On 26 April 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council and Kosovo Police and with the support of the EU project of WINPRO III implemented by NI*CO, has organized a round table on: "Witness protection - Challenges in practical implementation of the legislation".

The purpose of the roundtable was to discuss the challenges, issues and current practices in the Witness Protection Program and the role of judges, prosecutors and police in the implementation of this program.

In the opening speech Act. KJI Director Mr. Besim Morina and Act. Chief Special Prosecutor Mr. Reshat Millaku and Sam Black expert from the  WNIPRO III project, stressed the importance of this workshop which aims to serve as a forum where will be identified problems and will be proposed solutions to eliminate the uncertainties regarding protection of witnesses, in particular the introduction of Witness Protection Program.

In their presentations, the Prosecutor in the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor Mr. Lulzim Sulejmani and Director of the Witness Protection Mr. Skender Rahman presented the current situation of witnesses under the Witness Protection Program. Moreover, was emphasized that the Witness Protection Directorate is fully functional and possesses the latest technology in the implementation of the program where can be applied all measures provided by the law.

Participants at the meeting acknowledged the capacities of the Directorate for the Protection of Witnesses and stressed out that this program is extremely important to combat serious criminal offenses. Also, court presidents and chief prosecutors vowed to encourage judges and prosecutors to be involved in the respective program.

Participants in this meeting were court presidents and chief prosecutors, Kosovo Police and Correctional Service.

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