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Obstruction to possession and judicial protection from the act of obstruction to possession

On April 1, 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within the Continuous Training Program has conducted training on the topic "Obstruction to possession and judicial protection from the act of obstruction to possession”.

In the focus of the training was the elaboration of obstruction to possession and its types, the elements of the act of obstruction of possession, proceedings in disputes of obstruction to possession, judicial protection from the act of obstruction of possession, etc.

Within the training was addressed the nature of possession, acquiring and loss of the possession, protection of the possession as well as deadlines for the mandatory execution of the decision.

The training was conducted through participants’ discussions concerning difference between the legal and factual power over objects, defining the elements of obstruction to possession, proper application of procedures on protection from obstruction to possession and other specifics of their disputes.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges and professional associates of Kosovo's basic level courts.

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