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Obtaining and admissibility of evidences

On 18-20 April 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the Twinning Project “Straightening of capacities in criminal investigation against organized crime and corruption”. Founded by EU conducted training on: “Obtaining and admissibility of evidences”.

 This training aimed at raising the professional capacities of the person’s participants during the investigation and trial proceeding regarding the evaluation of evidence, with special focus on the admissibility of evidences and issues related to witness testimony.

Initially, during the training were elaborated the evidence, analyzing methods of evidence, types of evidence, including: documents, experts, facility inspection and statements of the defendant or the accused. Furthermore, the training was focused on witnesses, their types, claims and causes of perjury by them. In this context it was also discussed the role of witness credibility of their statement as reliable or not and initiation of criminal proceedings for false testimony.

In the final phase of training was elaborated the examination of witnesses, interrogation techniques and the importance and ways of preparing the witness in advance for questioning.

In the capacity of the trainer in this training was an expert from Germany, who had an interactive approach to the participants discussing together about the German practice in this field, and challenges faced in national judicial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level, and officials from the Kosovo Police.

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