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Workshop “Strengthening the role of the Kosovar justice sector in fighting corruption”

Under the sponsorship of the Norwegian Embassy, the Kosovo Judicial Institute in collaboration with the U4 Anti-corruption Resource Centre organized a two-day workshop “Strengthening the role of the Kosovar justice sector in fighting corruption”, 23-24 May 2016. The workshop was attended by Kosovar judicial institutions and civil society and representatives of donor governments.

In a free and open discussion taking stock of the achievements and challenges of the Kosovo society of combating corruption, there was a strong commitment, among the participating institutions, on the following measures:

  • Continuing the open dialogue between the civil society and critical public institutions;
  • Consolidate available information among the institutions to improve accountability and allow for adequate allocation of resources;
  • Review of the policies , powers and resources of the institutions responsible of the enforcement of the anti-corruption legislation

While challenges remain, important progress in interagency collaboration has been made and current moment should be used be to show the Kosovar people that grand corruption does not go unpunished.


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