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Training of Trainers on Judicial Ethics

From 29-30 June 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the USAID’s Justice System Strengthening Program has organized training of trainers with the focus on judicial ethics.

The purpose of the training was to increase the practical knowledge and skills of judges regarding training techniques and theories of adult learning. In this context, alongside elaboration of various interactive techniques that can be used by trainers during the training it was also elaborated the theory of KOLB's cycle on the modes for adult learning.

Another aim of the training was to analyse the changes and innovations of the code of professional ethics for judges wherein were discussed modes how the trainers shall address these innovation in training.

In addition, the agenda was drafted for the trainings to be held with judges including coordination of the materials to be used in trainings.

The beneficiaries of the training were KJI's trainers who will be engaged in the trainings on judicial ethics for judges.

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