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Capacity development in raising the efficiency and effectiveness of the CPK administration

On 21-22 July 2016, the Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council conducted training on: “Capacity development in raising the efficiency and effectiveness of the CPK administration”.

This training focused on advancing effective communication in the workplace, teamwork, familiarity with the strategic orientation of CPK and develop working plans, as well as providing quality reports and logical structure.

Through short presentations, group work and discussions were analyzed challenges to effective communication in the workplace and were proposed various techniques and tools for effective communication. Also during this training was elaborated the effect of the work team, where were presented the characteristics of team work and were given suggestions for quality management teamwork.

Within this training was also elaborated the structure of CPK strategic plan and analyzed the actions needed to be taken in implementation of this plan. Besides the strategic plan, were introduced techniques and methods of preparation of the individual sectorial work plans in which case the participants were involved in drafting work plans, according to the proposed structure

With the purpose of reflecting the real work of CPK administration, were presented types of reports and their structure urging that the working reports and events to be written in a formal and correct language, to be objective and referring to facts.

Beneficiaries of this training were all administrators of prosecution offices and CPK Secretariat managers.

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