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Sub-module: ECHR; Session: Article 10 – Freedom of Expression

October 13 2022, Academy of Justice within its initial training program for the first group of newly appointed judges (generation 9), is conducting the theoretical training, the seventh session under the "ECHR" module with trainer Ms. Habibe Salihu, Prosecutor at the Special Prosecution Office.

This training session was enriched with addressing by the Deputy Head of the Office of the Council of Europe, Mr. Tankut Soykan, who revealed a little of his activity in this project, the importance of the EC in Kosovo, as well as the ongoing support of the project for Article 10 - Freedom of expression and the protection of journalists and whistleblowers in Kosovo. Present in this meeting was also a representative from the Council of Europe project "JUFREX".

The training continued with the following topics: Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Freedom of expression, practical example: Jersild v. Denmark, Freedom of expression and the Law on Access to Public Documents, as well as the Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers.

Training methodology is application of practical cases and interactive discussions method.

Beneficiaries of this training are 29 newly appointed judges, including two judges of the Serbian community.


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