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Sub-module: Special procedures according to CPCK; First session: Procedures against persons who have committed criminal offenses under the influence of alcohol or drugs and criminal procedures involving perpetrators with mental disorders

October 21 2022, Academy of Justice within its Initial Training Program for the first group of newly appointed judges (generation 9) is conducting theoretical training from the sub-module on “The Procedure against persons who have committed criminal offenses under the influence of alcohol or drugs and criminal procedures involving perpetrators with mental disorders”, with trainer Mr. Skender Çoçaj, judge in the Appeals Court.

This training session is covering the following topics: Criminal liability of a natural person, temporary and permanent mental illnesses, retarded mental development, implementation of psychiatric examination and decision on the capacity to stand trial.

Training methodology is applying practical cases and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are 29 newly appointed judges, including two judges of the Serbian Community.

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