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Specialized Training Program for Public Procurement in Kosovo - Session II

From 23 to 24 September 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute, supported by GIZ, has conducted session II of the training program "Specialized Training Program for Public Procurement in Kosovo".

The purpose of this session was further advancement of professional skills of judges and prosecutors as regards to necessary knowledge in organizing of public procurement system in Kosovo and the scope of work of relevant institutions in terms of successful detection and investigation of corruption in the procurement field.

Topics in the focus of this session have mainly consisted on fair implementation of the applicable legislation and public procurement procedures, the risks and consequences of corruption in this process, as well as possible schemes of bid fixing and corruption in public procurement. Further on, it was treated the mode of functioning of the electronic public procurement platform.

In addition, in this training session there were elaborated the investigation planning, the content of investigation and prosecution plan, as well as the importance of creating an investigation’s structure.

The training was conducted in an interactive way, with discussions, where participants raised and discussed challenges faced in this area.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic and appellate level.

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