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Module: Criminal Code - special part, third session: Criminal offenses against freedoms and human rights

On October 28, 2022, the Academy of Justice, within the framework of the Initial Program, for the newly appointed judges of the ninth generation for the second group, is carrying out the theoretical training, under the module "Criminal Code - special part", with the trainer engaged Mr. Besim Kelmendi, Act. Chief State Prosecutor.

In the framework of this session, the following are being addressed: Article 192 - Coercion, Article 193 - Unlawful deprivation of liberty, Article 194 - Obtaining statements by coercion, Article 195 - Mistreatment during the exercise of official duties or public authorizations, Article 197 - Violation of the inviolability of homes and buildings, Article 198 - Illegal surveillance, Article 202 - Photography and other unauthorized recording and Article 203 - Violation of orders for covert measures of surveillance and investigation.

The training methodology is being developed through the interactive discussion and practical cases.

Beneficiaries of the training are 18 newly appointed judges.

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