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Editorial Council Meeting

On 09 September 2016, at Kosovo Judicial Institute was held the editorial council meeting on KJI publications.

The purpose of this meeting was to review and select their paper work and for publication on “Opinion Juris” magazine. 

The Editorial Council during the review of eleven paper work of different authors and based on the priorities set for publication of this edition of the "Opinion Juris" magazine, selected for publication only those paper work which have been designed in the spirit of judicial practice and referred to the decision taken by the court and were subject to their paper work.

In this meeting also were given recommendations and suggestions for completion of some of the paper work, providing though the chance for them to be included, if their authors will make amendments as required by the Editorial Council.

During the discussion it was highlighted the importance of the magazine and the criteria to be met, so that this magazine serve as a source of supply in addition to the theoretical aspect of the case law on the Kosovo judiciary.

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