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Extraordinary legal remedies of the appeal

On 20 October 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within CTP conducted training on: "Extraordinary legal remedies of the appeal" in civil proceedings.

The training aimed to provide clarification regarding the right and opportunity to exercise extraordinary legal remedies of appeal and other concrete issues associated with these means as a last instance court for parties in civil litigation.

As part of this training was elaborated revision as an extraordinary legal remedy against the decision and judgment of the second instance and cases where revision is permitted or not. Further, in detail was also elaborated the request for retrial, the ratio between revision and proposal for retrial, reasons based on which the party can propose repetition of the procedure and request for protection of the legality. Also during the training were addressed types of decisions when deciding on these legal remedies.

The training was conducted in an interactive form, with discussions on practical issues related to the possibility of taking action by courts of first instance on some of exceptional remedies.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic level and professional associates of the Supreme Court.

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