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Preventing and combating irregular migration

On November 1st 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the UNHCR Office in Prishtina organized the training on “Preventing and combating irregular migration”.

Purpose of this training was to extend knowledge of judges and prosecutors related to international standards, provisions set forth in applicable laws and other documents of the Republic of Kosovo in the area of migration.

This comprehensive training discussed topics on irregular migration and its risks, managing legal and circulated migration, and transformation of the migration into a positive economic factor. The training also elaborated on measures that impact prevention and combating illegal migration inside Republic of Kosovo that intensify through implementation of the Law on Foreigners, which regulates decisively actions that shall be undertaken by competent bodies against persons who are staying irregularly in Kosovo.

During this training many questions were addressed, like how efficient are institutions in identification of irregular immigrants, how controlled are movements of immigrants after their identification and registration, what should be done for prevention and combating efficient ways for preventing and combating irregular migration.

Training was accompanied with cases and concrete examples, exercises and group tasks, to break down the right comprehension of international standards and applicable international legal provisions related to migration.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance, police officers and officials from the Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (KRCT). 

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