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The role and the duties of judges and procedures in a judicial proceeding

On 02 November 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within the continuous training conducted training for lay judges on: “The role and duties of judges and prosecutors in a judicial proceeding”.

Main purpose of this training was to advance the knowledge of lay judges regarding the judicial proceeding against juveniles, statutory and ethical issues of the lay judges.

During this training were discussed the main characteristics of the juvenile proceeding, the role of the lay judge in the preparatory procedure, main trial, sessions for advices and voting, including statutory issues, as well as lay judges ethics.


Also during training special attention was paid to the composition of the panel, the approach of the lay judge to the case, recognition of ethical principles and avoidance of unethical behaviors.

The training was developed interactively where judges had the opportunity to discuss difficulties issues encountered in judicial practice and individual work of cases. 

Beneficiaries of this training were lay judges of basic court from different regions of Kosovo. 

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