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Means of appeal of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court

On 11 October 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within the CTP conducted training on: "Means appeal of Special Chamber of the Supreme Court".

The purpose of this training was to advance the knowledge of judges regarding ordinary and extraordinary legal remedies that can be used in the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court.

This training aimed at addressing the appeals and its content, the causes for challenging the judgment and decisions, admissibility of an appeal, reviewing boundaries on the deadline for filing an appeal to the special chamber, as well as extraordinary legal remedies.

The training focused on the means of appeal that can be used in the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court under the Law on Contested Procedure and the Law on the Special Chamber, followed by the res-judicata decisions under the LCP and LSCHSC, similar and distinguishing points between the judgments on contract of exchange by LCP and LSCHSC, facts and dilemmas associated with causes of the appeal by elaborating the Article 181, 190, 197 and 198 of the LCP.

Also during this training were addressed the facts, dilemmas and challenges associated with the causes of the Audit and Request for Protection of Legality. Within this area were also discussed in detail the provisions referring to revision as an extraordinary legal remedy-rejection of decisions of the second instance court and dilemmas relating to its implementation in the judicial practice. It was also widely debated about causes for the appearance of the extraordinary legal remedy.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the special chamber of the Supreme Court.

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