News and Activities - Archive


Case management

On November 11 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute, within its Continuous Training Program (CTP) conducted the training on “Case Management”.

Training is conducted with the purpose of increasing practical skills of court case management, principles of case flow management, purpose and responsibility of the court related to case management, effect that delay of the court work has, as well as early and continuous control of the court in case flow.

Also, this training session elaborated on case management in prosecutorial offices, recognition and importance of case management planning, principles of the planning process in prosecution, legal grounds for case management, case flow management, admission of the case, case registration in the electronic database, case control and analysis, prioritizing cases, preparation of the investigation plan and collection of material for the case file.

Training was delivered in interactive method through discussion where participants could raise and elaborate on challenges they face in this area.

Beneficiaries of this training program were judges, prosecutors and legal associates of the basic courts. 

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