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International legal cooperation in civil matters

On 01 December 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within Continuous Training Program (CTP), conducted training on: “International legal cooperation in civil matters”.

This training intended to assist judges in recognition and implementation of the Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the national legislation regulating the issue of international child abduction and the return procedure of the child in the requesting state.

Topics elaborated during this training session were: procedure of the voluntary return of the child and cases when the court may refuse the return of the child in the requesting state. Also during the training was discussed about the competent bodies for development of the return proceeding, with a special emphasis on the role of the Ministry of Justice in international cooperation in civil matters in cases of international child abduction.

The training was developed interactively, where were discussed the challenges and difficulties faced by judges during their practical work.  

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic and appeal instances 

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