News and Activities - Archive


Workshop on developing training courses in distance learning platform

On December 9-10 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute carried out the workshop on developing training courses for the distance learning platform.

Purpose of this workshop was that participants – who are trainers at the same time, develop training courses that are compatible with the distance learning platform. They were also acquainted with the distance learning platform, opportunities it provides and the way of its functioning, access and use, and they were presented with samples for adjusting the training materials as required by the distance learning platform.

Initially this workshop presented the way of this platform’s operation, in which case the beneficiaries were familiarized with training courses and the way of attending distance learning platform.

Trainers were preliminarily required to prepare their training materials in the set format, and during the workshop participants who were divided in groups, drafted, adjusted and presented chapters of the training materials, in compliance with the samples and the structure that the distance learning platform requires. During this workshop, the training courses that will be available to be attended online in 2017 were developed and adjusted.

Beneficiaries of this workshop were judges, prosecutors and experts, authors of training courses, - all trainers of KJI. 

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