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Regular meeting of the Kosovo Judicial Institute Managing Board

On 06 February 2017, was held the regular meeting of the Kosovo Judicial Institute Managing Board.

Main subject of this meeting was the discussion and approval of the Initial Training Program for the judges expected to be appointed by the Kosovo Judicial Council and other issues related to the KJI development activities and its administration.  

One of the topics discussed during this meeting was also the transformation of KJI into Justice Academy, with a special attention to main amendments set by the Justice Academy, as well as the vision and the Academy’s development strategy. In these discussions, besides members of the Board, were present Ms. Rosa Jansen, Director of the Study Center for Judiciary in Nederland and Mr. Claus Erdmann, Resident Twinning Advisor in KJI, which in a professional way have treated the importance of judicial training institutions and the training itself toward the development of the judiciary in every country.    

They also required the Managing Board members to share their experience and recommendations for the development of Justice Academy, which will serve the future management of the Academy and the experts of the Twinning Project to successfully implement the transition process and strategic development of the Academy

Ate the end of the meeting, the chairman of the Managing Board Mr. Ymer Hoxha distributed certificates to the MB members for the successful completion of their mandate.


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