News and Activities - Archive


Judicial protection in cases of domestic violence

On February 16th 2017, Kosovo Judicial Institute within its CTP conducted training on judicial protection in cases of domestic violence.

Propose of this training was to enable the participants to acquaint with domestic violence, consequences of domestic violence, who may issue protection orders, judicial procedures for decision upon the request and duration of the measures.

During this training, participants presented dilemmas, uncertainties and their obstacles during case hearings and which are related to standard operation procedures for protection from domestic violence and their precise application, legal provisions and timelines for deciding on protection orders.

Also, it was discussed about the decision upon requests for protection order, types of protection orders and their duration, enforcement and consequences of non-enforcement of the protection order.

Training aim was that through presentation of the case law and group discussions, to provide alternatives to the problems and practical difficulties related to judicial protection in domestic violence cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic courts and professional associates.

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