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Joint seminar on fighting organized crime

The Academy of Justice in collaboration with the Western Balkan Rule of Law Initiative (WBROLI) project, from November 14, 2022, has organized a three-day seminar on: “Selected aspects of organized crime according to the case law of Great Britain, sentencing guidelines of drug and financial crimes and developments in the admissibility of evidence in the UK.

The proposal for the Seminar came as a result of the visit of Judge Mr. Nicholas Blake and Chief Prosecutor Mrs. Claire Lindley from Great Britain, in which case it was deemed necessary to organize a joint seminar in order to exchange experiences and best practices in the fight against organized crime in Kosovo and beyond.

During the seminar, the forms of managing organized crime cases in Scotland and Britain were discussed, then the challenges and problems during the investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators, the comparison of local and international legislation. Whereas, participants had the opportunity to reveal a practical case from their experience about the initiation completion of investigations in organized crime cases.

In addition to Judges from Kosovo from the level of Appeal and the Special Department, as well as Prosecutors from the PSRK, and officials from the Kosovo Police - organized crime department, Judges, Prosecutors and Police officials from Montenegro took part in this seminar as well.

Since the WBRLOI project is a longer-term project, in the end all participants agreed that the initiative in enhancing the cooperation in this regard should continue as such also in 2023.

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