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Meeting of the Managing Board of the Academy of Justice

Prishtina, November 22, 2022, at the Academy of Justice, held the next meeting of the Managing Board of the Academy of Justice, led by the Chairman of the Board Mr. Vaton Durguti - Judge at the Court of Appeal of Kosovo.

The main topic of this meeting of the Managing Board was the review and approval of the Training Program of the Academy for 2023. During the discussions, the work for designing the training program, the methodology applied during the drafting process, and especially the content of the program was elaborated.

The Board members also gave some proposals for the topics that should be included in this training program with a focus on legal changes, but also other areas, as well as various recommendations on how to implement this program. During this meeting was emphasized that the implementation of this training program is related to the insufficient amount of the budget for the year 2023 that has been allocated for the Academy to fulfill its legal mandate.

During the meeting, the Board reviewed and approved the Work and Performance Plan for 2023, as well as approved the Protocol for mandatory training of prosecutors.

In this meeting, the Managing Board also discussed other issues that are within the competence of the Council's work, related to the functioning of the Academy of Justice.

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