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Application of the European Union Law by Courts of the Republic of Kosovo

On March 10th 2017, Academy of Justice, with the UNDP support, organized a training on “Application of the European Union Law by Courts of the Republic of Kosovo”, within its Continuous Training Program.

This training aimed to contribute to improvement of the judges and prosecutors capacities to identify problems, irregularities and implications of this activity as well as the impact of the EU Law in Republic of Kosovo’s judiciary and to deepen their knowledge on mechanisms and Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council of Europe.

This training focused on treatment and detailed analysis of the European Union principles by national courts, the supremacy, direct and indirect effect of the EU Law, the indirect impact of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, legal impact of the ECtHR case law in the preliminary procedure.

Also, the second part of the afternoon session covered the impact of the EU Law in the Kosovo’s judiciary, legal position of the EU law in Kosovo, position of international agreements, relation between Kosovo’s Constitution and the EU law, the European Commission Report on Kosovo, rule of law and independent judiciary.

This training provided discussion on concrete cases and efficient forms and procedures of the European Union Law, and participants elaborated on practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.


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