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Practical Training at the Kosovo Cadastral Academy

On 15 March 2017, within practical training in judicial institutions, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Kosovo Cadastral Agency conducted training for the newly appointed prosecutors. 

The purpose of this training was to deepen the knowledge of the newly appointed prosecutors related to the role, responsibilities and the practical work of the Kosovo Cadastral Agency.

Initially, during this training was elaborated the mission and legal basis based on which the Cadastral Agency functions, organizational structure, achievements and challenges faced by this institutions in fulfilment of its mission.

Furthermore, the training continued with the explanation of the legal base and several practical cases on immovable property registration field, which were discussed together with the KCA experts. 

In this occasion, newly appointed prosecutors had the opportunity to see the practical work developed by KCA, by visiting closely the KCA premises, where the officials of this Agency provided clarifications conforms their tasks and duties.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly appointed state prosecutors, CTP, VI generation. 

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