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Judicial didactic

On 23 February 2017, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the Twinning Project “Further support to legal education reform” EU funded, conducted a workshop on: “Judicial didactic”.

The purpose of this workshop was the preparation of a group of trainers that will be used for implementation of the future training activities and development of the methods and modern techniques during a training activity.

During the workshop, a special attentions was paid to the training based on competences, application of a modern methodology and development of advanced techniques during the training, the structure and designing of the Training of Trainers Program, training for mentors and preparation of the training materials. 

Moreover, was elaborated the teaching intensity, advanced training methods and their efficiency.

During the workshop, participants were divided in two groups, the first group focused on integration of the theory and practice in the training program, particularly in the Initial Training Program, whereas the second groups had to focus on the program and the structure of the training of trainers and ensuring the training quality. 

Issues discussed in these groups, will be also a focus of the next workshop, with the purpose of improving the training program quality.

This workshop was conducted by international experts of judicial training field with the support of KJI staff.

Participants in this workshop were judges, prosecutors and KJI trainers.


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