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Quality and assessment of evidence in criminal proceeding

On March 24th 2017, Academy of Justice within its continuous training program delivered training on “Quality and assessment of evidence in criminal proceeding”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance knowledge of participants related to application, importance and proofing value of evidence for correct and comprehensive proof of factual situation in criminal proceeding.

This training covered topics on evidence qualification and assessment in criminal proceeding, which brings to convincing the judge for admissibility, respectively reliability of an evidence, which proves or not an important fact for proving or finding the criminal liability of the defendants.

Pursuant to Criminal Procedure Code, it is to the judge’s discretion to assess the quality of evidence, based on his/her opinion if a certain evidence is reliable or not, and to determine the significance and proofing value of that evidence in showing the factual situation in criminal procedure.

The training was delivered in form of interactive discussions, where the participants had the possibility to present their challenges and difficulties they face in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.


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