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Changes and Novelties to the Code of Professional Ethics and Regulation for Unprofessional Conduct of Judges

On April 14th 2017, Academy of Justice con-ducted training on “Changes and Novelties to the Code of Professional Ethics and Regulation for Unprofessional Conduct of Judges”.

Purpose of this training to extend knowledge of participants related to changes and novelties to the Code of Professional Ethics and to the regu-lation on Unprofessional Conduct, and on in-crease of the citizen’s trust on judicial and prose-cutorial system.

At the training it was discussed about changes and novelties to the Code of Ethics and on Regu-lation on unprofessional conduct, which foresee adherence to the standards of professional con-duct, proper application of the law and constant vigilance of judges and prosecutors to observe international standards of professional conduct. Considering that it all impact on increase of the standards of professional conduct and strengthen the public trust on judiciary.

Training was delivered through interactive dis-cussions, using combined methods of lecturing and practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the basic instance from all regions.

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