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International legal cooperation in criminal cases

On April 19th 2017, Academy of Justice con-ducted training on “International legal coopera-tion in criminal cases”.

Purpose of this training was to enrich knowledge of participants on the international legal cooper-ation in criminal cases, when we have to deal with efficient application of legal provisions in obtaining evidence, solving legal assistance re-quests, as well as in extradition cases.

This training elaborated on international legal cooperation as a necessity, as the crime has ex-ceeded internal borders and has taken interna-tional dimension. In an inter-reliant world, no country can fight the crime effectively without cooperation between states for preventing and discovering the crime.

Due to circumstances of the nowadays society, particularly because of extended possibilities for crime perpetrators to cross borders, the judges and prosecutors shall acquaint with efficient practices of international legal cooperation in criminal matters.

Training was conducted through interactive dis-cussions where participants could present their challenges and difficulties they face in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance and professional associates.

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