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Investigation and adjudication of cases involving foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) in Eastern Europe

On 17-18 May 2017, the Academy of Justice with the support of USA and in cooperation with UN Office of Customs and Crime UNODC, conducted training on: “Investigation and adjudication of cases involving foreign terrorist fighters (FF) in Eastern Europe”.

This training aimed to contribute in professional capacity building and deepening the knowledge of the participants regarding terrorism, challenges and difficulties, elements of foreign terrorist fighter offences and investigation of the offences relating foreign terrorist fighters.

Special attention was also paid to international legal cooperation, since such crimes are crossing national borders and obtaining international dimension, therefore cannot be combated alone effectively. Taking into account free movement of people and the fact that people travel from one state to another with intent to commit criminal offences, planning or preparing to participate in a terrorist act. Based on this, states should undertake additional measures with the purpose of preventing, taking administrative measures, investigation and adjudication these cases, as well as pay attention to resocialization and rehabilitation of these persons after serving the sentence.

The training was developed through interactive discussion, whereas a part of it was followed by videos and various study cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance and police investigators from Kosovo Police.  

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