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Training on judicial practice in administrative matters

On June 20 - 21, 2023, the Kosovo Justice Academy in cooperation with GIZ, within the Continuous Training Program, is conducting the joint training with the Albanian School of Magistrates on “Judicial practice in administrative matters".

The Executive Director of the Justice Academy, Mr. Enver Fejzullahu emphasized the importance of this joint training and then expressed gratitude to the Director and judges from the Albania School of Magistrates for the inter-institutional cooperation.

Trainers engaged in this activity are: Mrs. Elvana Çiçolli, judge at the First Level Administrative Court - Expert from the School of Magistrates; Mrs. Delushe Halimi, judge at the Appeals Court in Kosovo; and Mr. Islam Sllamniku, permanent judicial trainer at the Justice Academy.

Focus of this training is on elaborating on current issues in the judicial practice, of both material and procedural aspects, and harmonizing and unification of opinions related to cases from the administrative judiciary. Special attention will be paid to dilemmas or ambiguities during the procedure which are causing in rendering different legal solutions for the same issue.

The applied methodology is of a combined character, with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are: judges from the Commercial Court, judges from the Basic Courts, judges from the Administrative Court of First Instance from the Albania School of Magistrates, officials from the Agency for Free Legal Aid and State Attorneys.


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