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Criminal offences according to Customs Code

On June 7th 2017, Academy of Justice within its continuous trainings delivered a training on “Criminal Offences according to the Customs Code”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the participant’s knowledge and present best prac-tices in identification, investigation and trial of these crimes which have become frequent. The training focused on criminal offences stip-ulated in the Kosovo Customs and Excise Code, specifics of these offences, and customs criminal offences as per the Criminal Code of Kosovo.

The training elaborated on the legal framework covering these offences, as well as the tasks and competencies of the customs in combating illegal activities, border crime, drug smug-gling, weapon smuggling etc.

Particular attention was paid to the weight of these offences and their occurrence in different forms, as well as on obligation of relevant in-stitutions to combat them through respective measures and mechanisms, as these crimes jeopardize our country’s economy.

The training was delivered in form of interac-tive discussions where the participants could present their challenges and difficulties they face in investigation and trial of these offences.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance.

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