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Training Program in non-judicial institutions – visit of the newly appointed judges in the Forensic Institute

November 14 2023, Academy of Justice within the practical training for the newly appointed judges (generation X) in the non-judicial institutions is conducting the visit to the Forensic Institute.

Within the visits of the Initial Training Program in non-judicial institutions is also the Forensic Institute, where in the opening speech the Deputy Director of Forensic Institute Mr. Driton Haliti welcomed the newly appointed judges and stated to find the purpose of this visit as appropriate and highly assessed the cooperation with the Academy of Justice, and continued with presentation of the mandate and challenges of this institution.

The visit continued with other representatives of the FI, with Mr. Musa Gashi Head of the Forensic Division and Mr. Flamur Blakaj professor, who elaborated on the forensic expertise serving the justice institutions, object of the forensic expertise, forensic investigation serving the law, technical-scientific methods of investigation, as well as reasoning of the forensic findings and forensic adjudication. The visit also covered the aspects of the corps examination, examination of persons, material evidence and expertise of the case materials.

The newly appointed judges also had the possibility to closely see the toxicology lab and the autopsy rooms.

Beneficiaries of this visit are the newly appointed judges of generation X.

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