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Training of Trainers on Freedom of Expression

On 25-26 April 2017, officials of the Academy of Justice participated in the Freedom of Ex-pression Training of Trainers organized by the project "Strengthening Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and Media in South East Europe - JUFREX".

The purpose of the training was to develop and advance the skills of trainers in the implemen-tation of interactive training based on the exer-cises proposed in the Training Manual prepared under the JUFREX project.

Regional training of trainers enabled partici-pants to improve and strengthen their compe-tences in designing and running educational programs based on model curricula and project manual, as well as adapting these curricula to the local context of respective countries.

Furthermore, on the use of the resources and tools available during the trainings, develop-ment of their capacities in carrying out train-ings in a neutral manner, the exchange of their knowledge in the field of freedom of expres-sion to the training participants and the under-standing and facilitation of individual process-es learning groups in the field of freedom of expression.

This training has included the most successful participants from six trainings held in different countries of the region in order to create a fo-rum for exchanging their experiences in the future.

The beneficiaries of the training were trainers from six countries in the region.

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