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Practical Training at National Audit Office

On 05 April 2015, as part of the training pro-gram, the Academy of Justice continued with the implementation of initial training at non judicial institutions. In this regard, newly ap-pointed prosecutors conducted training at the National Audit Office.

The purpose of this training is to familiarize the newly appointed prosecutors with the role, the scope and practical work of the National Audit Office.

Initially, this training reflected on the mission and the mandate of the National Audit Office, international standards in this field, practical work, challenges and difficulties faced by this institution in terms of exercising responsibili-ties set by the law.

In this regard, discussions were focused on the treatment of criminal legislation regulating this matter, respectively the relevant articles from the Criminal Code, the current forms of coop-eration between National Audit Office and the Office of State Chief Prosecutor, as well as possibilities of cooperation with newly ap-pointed prosecutors in the future.

Beneficiaries of the training were the newly appointed state prosecutors, ITP generation VI.

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