News and Activities - Archive


Activities implemented in ITP

The Academy of Justice, in terms of complet-ing the training program, has continued to im-plement the planned activities within the Initial Training Program, which are being followed by newly appointed state prosecutors.

Within the activities carried out during this pe-riod, three (3) training sessions were conducted from the sub-module "Crime scheme and Fo-rensics", where were addressed: the place of the event, the meaning and the first steps to be tak-en; securing the crime scheme and stages of conducting site inspection and forensics. Also, five (5) training sessions were conducted from the sub-module "Search and seizure", elaborat-ing: Case study - Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, provisions of the CPC and CCRK regarding seizure and sequestration, extended competencies for confiscation of as-sets gained through commission of a criminal offence and case studies from national case law.

Within the theoretical training, five (5) training sessions were conducted from the sub-module "Measures to ensure the presence of the defend-ant in the procedure", where were discussed topics such as: the summon, arrest warrant and the promise of the defendant not to abandon the residence, forbidding the defendant to approach the designated place and certain persons, the obligation of the defendant for the nearest ap-pearance at the police station and bail, house arrest, diversion and detention.

The constitutional law module was implement-ed through one (1) training, elaborating the sources of constitutional law in the Republic of Kosovo.

Sub-module "Evidence in Criminal Procedure" commenced by conducting two (2) trainings, whilst, other sessions will be conducted in the forthcoming month. Also in this period com-menced the training from sub-module "Trial Advocacy Skills".

Within the framework of practical training, newly appointed prosecutors continued their practice in the respective prosecution offices according to the program schedule, under the supervision of their mentors and attended train-ing at the following institutions: National Agency for Protection of Personal Data, Koso-vo Chamber of Advocates, Kosovo Probation Service and Ombudsperson Institution.

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