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Practical Training at Kosovo Probation Service

On 17 May 2017, within the framework of practical training in non-judicial institutions, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Kosovo Probation Service conducted training for newly appointed prosecutors in for this in-stitution.

The purpose of this training was to deepen the knowledge of newly appointed prosecutors about the mandate, organizational structure and practical work developed by the Kosovo Proba-tion Service.

Officials delegated by the Kosovo Probation Service initially presented a short history of the establishment and development of the KPS, the legal framework of its mandate and the organi-zational structure, including the role and organ-ization of the Central Directorate and KPS Re-gional Offices. Furthermore, statistics on pro-cessed materials were presented by the KPS in general, addressing comparative aspects for different categories in recent years. Also, with-in this training was discussed the current coop-eration of KPS with the prosecution offices and other institutions, whereby newly appointed prosecutors, together with KPS officials, dis-cussed about the possibilities of mutual cooper-ation in the future.

Beneficiaries of this training were the ITP new-ly appointed prosecutors generation IV.

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