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Activities implemented in ITP – June 2017

The Academy of Justice, in fulfilling its train-ing program continued with implementation of the planned activities within the Initial Training Program, which is being followed by newly appointed state prosecutors.

The sub-module "Evidence in the Criminal Pro-cedure" was completed during June, carrying out in this form four (4) training sessions, with-in which were treated: obtaining evidence through covert and technical of surveillance and investigation, evidence at the investigation stage, search, temporary seizure and expert witnesses, taking evidence during investigation, the defendant's statement and witness testimo-ny, as well as inadmissible evidence.

Within the framework of the theoretical train-ing, was also conducted another sub-module on: "Defendant in Criminal Procedure", where five (5) training sessions were held dealing is-sues such as: defendant as a subject of criminal proceeding, defendant's testimony as evidence, his rights and obligations during the criminal proceedings, the state of the defendant after fil-ing and during the confirmation of the indictment, defendant during the trial and the right to exercise legal remedies, as well as the defend-ant during short procedure and the procedure for international legal aid.

Also, two (2) training were conducted from the sub-module: "Witnesses and injured parties in criminal proceedings" where were treated: the meaning and types of witnesses, interrogation and witness testimony before filing the indictment. Whereas, during June, one (1) training was organized from the sub-module: "EU Law" and a session on "Developing Social Skills of Prosecutors".

Sub-module: “Trial advocacy skills” that com-menced in May, has been concluded in this period, conducting as such five (5) trainings. Therefore, after completion of this sub-module was also conducted a “mock trial” where newly appointed prosecutors, in order to implement successfully.

In the framework of practical training, newly appointed prosecutors continued their practice in the respective prosecution offices according to the program schedule, under the supervision of their mentors.

As for the training in non-judicial institutions, newly appointed prosecutors had the opportunity to look closely at the work of the following institutions: Kosovo Correctional Service (Lipjan Correctional Center) and Kosovo Police.


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